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  • Writer's pictureMs. Perkins

Senior-Family Meeting #2

Hey there!

For my seniors reading this post, I ask that you share the link with at least 5 of your classmates.

Here are a few updates:


- Campbell's Sweet Factory: We will be selling popcorn for $7 a bag. Please visit either myself or one of your senior council members for any purchases. If you would like an order form so you can collect orders from family members, people in your community, etc. come visit me!

- Bake/Candy Sale: On December 11 and 12, we will sell snacks and drinks outside of the front offices on the 1st floor immediately after school. Please begin to spread the word.

Senior Questionnaire

- Each senior needs to complete the questionnaire ASAP. It is how I will collect your sizes for graduation gowns, polos, t-shirts, etc. I will be ordering our senior class polos at the end of next week. You can complete the questionnaire here.

Community Service

- 40 community service hours are required to graduate. Each senior has an opportunity to earn hours every Tuesday - Thursday immediately after school at Harvard Community Center. Come visit me to receive a form to track your hours.

Field Trip

- Our first senior field trip will be on December 13. We will travel to WhirlyBall where seniors will participate in bowling, laser tag, etc. Only the 32 students who made at least one senior due payment will attend the field trip. Permission slips will be distributed soon.


- Details are being solidified and will be announced soon. Stay tuned.

As always, if you have any questions/concerns please visit the contact page on the website or come visit my classroom.

Hope to see you all tonight,

Ms. Perkins


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